There are a wide range of sporting, musical and other clubs on offer at lunchtimes and after school. A timetable of these activities is available shortly after the beginning of each term. A letter will be sent through the Reach More Parents (Weduc) app with a link included where you can sign your child up. You will be notified through a message on the Reach More Parents (Weduc) app if your child gains a place at the club.
Any clubs run after school usually finish at 4:15pm, however there are some that finish at different times. This information will be included in the timetable of activities.
If your child is representing the school in a sporting fixture against another school, parents will be notified by the PE department.
Broadstone Positive Action Volunteers (Broadstone PAVs)
In September 2023 Mrs Nadin launched Broadstone PAVs. This is an opportunity for children to contribute positively to the local community though volunteer work, encouraged by in-school rewards sponsored by the Steve Bernard Foundation. For more information please see the presentation below: