We value strong, committed partnerships between home and school and believe they play a crucial role in our pupils’ development into successful young adults. Some of the ways we will communicate include:
- School letters
We send the majority of school letters to parents via the Reach More Parents (Weduc) app as this is the most efficient and effective way of ensuring safe delivery. Letters are also posted on the school website (with the exception of school trips due to safeguarding the protection of our pupils). Paper copies are available from the school office upon request.
- Phone Call
From time to time we may communicate by phone call. This is often the quickest method to gather information from parents. It is therefore essential that you inform us of any change in your contact details.
- Newsletters
Newsletters are sent on a regular basis via Reach More Parents (Weduc), providing information on recent or forthcoming events, celebrating achievements, administration reminders and important dates. They are also accessible on the school website.
- Payments
All payments to the school are made through the Reach More Parents (Weduc) App, including payments for trips, and for school lunches. If you are having trouble accessing this app, please contact the school.
- Consultations
Parent consultation evenings are held during the Autumn Term, providing the opportunity to review how your child is settling in their new school/year. In addition, parent consultation evenings are also held at the end of the Spring Term.
- Reports
Detailed reports covering all National Curriculum subjects and other aspects of your child’s education are sent out annually.