There will be occasions where you may wish to contact the school. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you need to discuss any concerns that may arise regarding your child’s well-being or learning. No matter how trivial it may seem, please do inform us so that we can deal with them promptly and avoid them becoming large concerns. Or indeed, you may wish to share with us your child’s achievements obtained outside of school. Generally, in the first case, contact should be made with your child’s class/form tutor by contacting the school office to make arrangements to discuss at a time to suit both parties.
Telephone: 01202 696121
Email: (marked FAO the appropriate person).
Please be aware that our teachers are generally teaching, in a meeting or on duty during the school day and therefore may not be able to respond immediately. However they will endeavour to contact you within twenty-four hours.
If the matter is not resolved, you should contact your child’s Head of Year before escalating to the Head of School.
For any enquiries regarding SEN, please contact
Claire Sweeney (SENCo):
If the matter is urgent, parents are welcome to come into school without an appointment and we will do our best to help.