For advice on whether your child needs to stay off school due to illness, please refer to the NHS website.
Absence from school
The school places great importance on the safety of the children in our care and consequently operates a “First Day Contact’ system.
Parents are asked to contact school by 9.00am on a child’s first day of absence and on each subsequent day, with a follow-up note on the child’s return to school. If we do not hear from you by 9.00am we will contact you to inform you of your child’s absence by either a text message to your mobile phone or a telephone call to the contact number provided.
Please ensure you update the school if your home, mobile or work contact numbers should change.
If your child has a contagious ailment we recommend that you seek medical advice from your family doctor to determine when your child is able to return to school. The school refers to the Guidance of Infection Control in School and Other Childcare Settings document, published by Public Health England for such matters.
Please note that in any case of sickness or diarrhoea, it is recommended that your child is kept away from school for 48 hours from the last episode to minimise the risk of passing on to other children.
Accidents at school
Illness or accidents can occur from time to time while your child is at school and sometimes they are serious enough to require the assistance of parents or medical experts. It is therefore essential that you keep the school informed of any changes to your contact details. If your child becomes unwell or is injured whilst at school, we will make every effort to contact you. This will not be the case for minor bumps or scrapes. There may be occasions when your child becomes too unwell to remain in school so we will contact you to collect them.